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Health and Wellbeing
A Health and Well-being Wales Partner

Hafan Y Waun (Ceredigion County Council Adults And Children's Services) - Care Home

Last updated: 08/07/2024
Care Home This resource can use the Welsh language

This resource is regulated. (More about Regulated Services)

This provider is registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) or equivalent.
We don't have a recent inspection date for this resource.
This home is registered for a maximum of 90 beds.
This care home does not have any vacancies.

This care home is provided by: Ceredigion County Council Adults And Children's Services

Care provided:

Nursing Mental Health Learning Disabilities

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What we do

A care home is a residential setting where a number of people live.

Residential care is often provided for people that may have difficulty living independently, however some people prefer to live in a residential care facility due to it providing security, social interaction and ongoing support and assistance that is unobtainable through care at home (i.e. domiciliary care). People often have the misconception that residential care is a "last resort" and only need a care home when they are very unwell or completely unable to manage, however there are many residents that simply enjoy the many benefits a care home has to offer.