Welcome to Dewis Cymru - The place for wellbeing in Wales
Dewis Cymru is THE place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.
When we talk about your well-being, we don’t just mean your health. We mean things like where you live, how safe and secure you feel, getting out and about, and keeping in touch with family and friends.
No two people are the same and well-being means different things to different people. So Dewis Cymru is here to help you find out more about what matters to you.
We’ve got information that can help you think about what matters to you, and we’ve also got information about people and services in your area that can help you with the things that matter to you.
If you want to know more about how to use Dewis Cymru to help you work out what matters to you, click here.
If you’ve got a service that helps people with their well-being, you can add your details to Dewis Cymru, so that the people who you want to help and support can find you more easily. It doesn’t matter how big or small you are, or whether you’re volunteers - if you help people with their well-being, Dewis Cymru wants to know about you and about what you do, so that we can put people in touch with you!
If you want to add details of your service to Dewis Cymru, click here.
Why was Dewis Cymru created?
One of the reasons for Dewis Cymru is the new law about social services in Wales – the Social Services and Well Being Wales Act. This new law will make life better for people and their carers, by making sure people get the help they need to lead a good life.
Raising concerns about social care services or care providers
The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) is responsible for ensuring all care services are safe for the people who use them. CIW regulates local council and voluntary sector services, as well as privately-owned personal (home) care agencies and residential care homes. Inspections are available online.
Social Care Wales has a similar role, but its focus is on ensuring the workforce which delivers social care services – the social workers and care workers – are qualified, skilled and competent.