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Health and Wellbeing
A Health and Well-being Wales Partner

If you’re living alone and can’t get out as much as you’d like to, you might find it difficult to keep in touch with family and friends.

Everyone is so busy these days that even keeping in touch by telephone or social media can be harder than it used to be. If you miss hearing a friendly voice at the end of the phone, why don’t you look into telephone befriending?

What is telephone befriending?

The idea is that a friendly volunteer will ring you for a regular chat at a time that is convenient for you both. There is no charge.

The volunteer will be carefully chosen so that you have something in common, for example, you live in the same area or share an interest.

The main reason they are ringing you is to have a nice, friendly chat; however, sometimes the volunteer may be able to help you access other support.

Older people

Age Cymru offers a free telephone befriending service called ‘Call in Time’ (the service might be provided by different organisations in some parts of Wales).

The charity also organises group calls for older people who share a maritime or Royal Airforce background.

Younger adults

Some charities arrange telephone befriending or telephone social groups for younger adults who are at risk of becoming isolated.

For example the RNIB provides free telephone social groups where blind and partially sighted people can make friends, chat and support one another (groups chat every week for around 55 minutes).

Last updated: 05/04/2023