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Health and Wellbeing
A Health and Well-being Wales Partner

A care and support plan is a written document which sets out what has been discussed with you during your assessment and what is going to happen as a result.

You should have been fully involved in your assessment, so your care and support plan should be very clear about:

  • what you want to achieve – your personal outcomes
  • what is stopping you –  the barriers and risks
  • whether you need information and advice
  • what other support you receive, for example, from a family member
  • what community-based services might help you
  • what care and support will be delivered by social services and their partners*
  • how your progress will be monitored
  • the date of your next review

*From April 2016, the local council and local health services must jointly determine whether your care and support package meets your overall personal well-being outcomes, including your emotional, social and economic well-being.

If your circumstances change

Your care plan must be kept under review and must not be closed without a reassessment of your circumstances.

If your circumstances change, for example, your full-time carer wants to return to work, the council must re-assess your needs and change your care plan accordingly.

Protecting you from abuse or neglect

If the council thinks you are at risk from abuse or neglect it must meet your care and support needs.

Direct payments 

If you have decided you want to use direct payments to meet some or all of your needs, your care and support plan must set out:

  • which needs are to be met by direct payments
  • the amount you will receive
  • how often the direct payments will be made to you

What if you don’t agree?

If you disagree with the council’s assessment of how it can help you, you have the right to refuse the care and support plan – or to complain about the assessment itself.

If you are still unhappy with the council, you can contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.

Last updated: 27/04/2023